
class AssociationRelation(var dataID: Long? = null, var uri: String = "", var name: String = "", var target: String = "", val cInterface: Interface? = null, var node: Node? = null)

The AssociationRelation models a directed association edge from one Node to another Node. The association is always owned by the starting Node.

  • Modicio Associations have no multiplicity

  • The target existence is an open property, i.e., it is only evaluated at runtime if an association is realizable

  • Associations are variability-aware. This is defined via the Interface


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constructor(dataID: Long? = null, uri: String = "", name: String = "", target: String = "", cInterface: Interface? = null, node: Node? = null)


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val cInterface: Interface? = null

The Interface (refers to the ConnectionInterface ESI concept). The Interface specifies a set of (open) intervals and points in time-space an allowed target must be part of to fulfill this association. An AssociationRelation must have an Interface.

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var dataID: Long?

Technical database (JPA) identifier used for relation joins. The dataID is system specific and not exported to XML. It must not be used to identify elements in distributed use-cases. It should not be used to identify elements from outside the service. All model elements provide other suitable identifiers to be used.

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The name of the AssociationRelation. Uniqueness is optional but should be assured in a common Node

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var node: Node?

Backlink to Node to improve traversal. This is not the target Node! But the owner of this element.

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The target Node that is the other end of instances of this relation.

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var uri: String

The unique naming URI of the AssociationRelation in its current Model. The uri must not take variant/version into account which is stored separately. A modicio URI is defined as a "xs:anyURI" base with the schema extension "modicio:.*"


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