
class Node(dataID: Long? = null, val name: String = "", val uri: String = "", isAbstract: Boolean = false, val annotation: Annotation? = null, attributes: MutableList<Attribute> = LinkedList(), associationRelations: MutableList<AssociationRelation> = LinkedList(), parentRelations: MutableSet<ParentRelation> = HashSet(), plugins: MutableSet<Plugin> = HashSet(), concretizations: MutableSet<Concretization> = HashSet(), compositions: MutableSet<Composition> = HashSet(), scripts: MutableList<Script> = LinkedList(), var model: Model? = null)

The Node is the top-level model element of the modicio metamodel. It represents a class in an object-oriented sense but can also represent a Node in a typed graph. The Node as first-level element contains all further model elements such as relations to other Nodes which are always unidirectional edges.


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constructor(dataID: Long? = null, name: String = "", uri: String = "", isAbstract: Boolean = false, annotation: Annotation? = null, attributes: MutableList<Attribute> = LinkedList(), associationRelations: MutableList<AssociationRelation> = LinkedList(), parentRelations: MutableSet<ParentRelation> = HashSet(), plugins: MutableSet<Plugin> = HashSet(), concretizations: MutableSet<Concretization> = HashSet(), compositions: MutableSet<Composition> = HashSet(), scripts: MutableList<Script> = LinkedList(), model: Model? = null)


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object Companion


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val annotation: Annotation? = null

The Annotation contains the variant and version identifiers. The Annotation is mandatory.

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var model: Model?

Backlink to Model to improve traversal.

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The name provides the Node a practical identifier. Uniqueness is optional but desired. The name should relate to the uri and is typically its last part.

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val uri: String

The unique naming URI of the Node in its current Model. The uri must not take variant/version into account which is stored separately. A modicio URI is defined as a "xs:anyURI" base with the schema extension "modicio:.*"


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fun addAttribute(attribute: Attribute)
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fun addComposition(composition: Composition)
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fun addPlugin(plugin: Plugin): Boolean
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fun addScript(script: Script)
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fun autowire()
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