
class Accessor(instance: Instance, positionObject: IObject)

The Accessor is a helper class for doing model and instance traversal for easier access of often used field. The Fragment must be autowired() before the Accessor can be used!


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constructor(instance: Instance, positionObject: IObject)


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Get an AttributeInstance by the name of the Attribute. This method searches only in the local object (inherited attributes are not found)

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Get an AttributeInstance by the URI of the Attribute. This method searches only in the local object (inherited attributes are not found)

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Get an AttributeInstance by the name of the Attribute. This method searches in the whole upper inheritance hierarchy

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Get an AttributeInstance by the URI of the Attribute. This method searches in the whole upper inheritance hierarchy

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Get the attributes of the IObject and its parents in a structured map. NODE-URI -> ATTRIBUTE-URI -> ATTRIBUTE-INSTANCE

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