
class Instance(var dataID: Long? = null, val name: String = "", val modelRoot: String = "", val uri: String = "", val header: Header? = null, objects: MutableList<IObject> = LinkedList(), var fragment: Fragment? = null, var rootNode: Node? = null)

The Instance class represents the instance facet of the ESI clabject (Fragment). The Instance contains the set of instance-objects forming a physical deep instance of the logically instantiated Node.

See also


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constructor(dataID: Long? = null, name: String = "", modelRoot: String = "", uri: String = "", header: Header? = null, objects: MutableList<IObject> = LinkedList(), fragment: Fragment? = null, rootNode: Node? = null)


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object Companion


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var dataID: Long?

Technical database (JPA) identifier used for relation joins. The dataID is system specific and not exported to XML. It must not be used to identify elements in distributed use-cases. It should not be used to identify elements from outside the service. All model elements provide other suitable identifiers to be used.

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Backlink for faster traversal.

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val header: Header? = null

The Header to store publicly accessible (composite) objects.

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The URI of the root Node of the Instance ESI. The target Node must exist within the same Fragment and its dependencies must fulfill ESI properties.

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The (technical) name of the Instance. The name does not have to be unique, although it should be as identifying as possible.

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Backlink for faster traversal.

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val uri: String

The URI uniquely identifying the Instance as a whole.


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fun addObject(iObject: IObject)
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fun autowire()
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fun removeObject(iObject: IObject)
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